Growing green, growing smart:

fostering innovation and sustainability for a better future.

Innovative Eco-Friendly Solutions

Expertise in Hygiene & Horticulture

Sustainable Practices for Modern Horticulture

High-Performance Products with Natural Ingredients

"Established Since 2019"

Who We Are

Pioneering the future of horticulture with eco-friendly technologies

Cleantechnics originated from a collaboration between Dennis Grootscholte, an experienced grower, and Gerard Schepers, a chemical & process engineer, combining their expertise to innovate within the horticulture sector. Their partnership began in 2013, rooted in their work with silver stabilized hydrogen peroxide, a promising disinfectant for water systems in horticulture.

The company made its mark with the introduction of AR Clean in 2018, a product designed to meet the growers’ need for an efficient cleaning solution for AR-coated glass that doesn’t leave streaks or cause damage, improving light transmission.

FoamOrg, another innovative solution, emerged from their close collaboration with growers, addressing the need for quick and thorough cleaning amid rising virus pressures. FoamOrg has been successful in cleaning algae contamination from high insulation value plates, a significant concern during energy crises.

Cleantechnics is known for its hands-on approach, preferring demonstrations and personal interaction over direct online sales. This approach has fostered a community of growers who provide valuable feedback, leading to continuous product improvements.

The company is committed to ongoing innovation, responding to the evolving challenges of the horticulture sector with products that not only clean effectively but also safeguard the environment and the materials being cleaned. 


We are always serious about hygiene and performance

Our products offer innovative, eco-friendly solutions for agriculture and horticulture, enhancing plant health and boosting yields sustainably.

Customers appreciate our products, creativity, and expertise.

Hear from satisfied customers

Get in Touch With Us

If you need more information or require a personalized quotation, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form below. We are here to assist you with your specific needs!